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Taking Chances Page 17

  As the band played, Paige became aware of Val’s hands at her back, the occasional tiny brushes of her fingertips. She’d always thought people were exaggerating when they said they could feel another’s eyes on them…until tonight. That they couldn’t see each other’s faces only seemed to sharpen her senses, and by the end of the sixth song, Paige was incredibly aroused.

  She turned in her chair to find Val smiling down at her, her eyes dark with desire. Paige stood, but Val didn’t step back. They remained mere inches apart without touching, but the electricity between them hummed.

  “I need to go to the ladies’ room,” Paige said, a little breathlessly.

  “Good idea,” Val replied and stepped aside for Paige to lead the way.

  The line was short, and it wasn’t long before Val and Paige were inside the restroom. Paige entered a stall while Val waited outside, and she could hear the other patrons leave. When she opened the stall door, Val backed her inside and refastened the door. The cold metal wall shocked her hot skin as Val pushed her gently up against it.

  “What are you doing?” Paige whispered, her palms flat against the surface behind her.

  “Making up for lost time,” Val replied. She ran her hands down Paige’s arms, then back up to cup her face. “You are so beautiful,” she said, before leaning in to kiss Paige’s forehead. She nuzzled her lips along Paige’s jaw, then sucked gently on her earlobe.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” Paige breathed.

  “I’m just getting started.” Val brought her mouth to Paige’s, nibbling on her bottom lip before requesting access with her tongue. Paige gave it, sucking Val into her mouth and starting a frenzied dance of tongues and lips. Paige found Val’s waist with her hands and slid them slowly up, brushing the sides of her breasts before burying them in Val’s soft hair. Val moaned, and Paige caressed her neck, only vaguely registering that the restroom door had opened.

  After a moment, someone said, “Get a room, ladies. We’ve gotta pee!” Other voices giggled, and Paige pulled away from Val, her face on fire.

  Val grinned, wiped a hand across her swollen lips, and opened the stall door. “Sorry about that.”

  Paige followed, thoroughly embarrassed, and the other women clapped. “Oh my God,” she said, covering her face with her hand. Val grabbed her other hand and pulled her out of the restroom.

  “I may die of mortification.” Paige groaned.

  “No, you won’t, but that kiss…let’s do it again,” Val said, pulling Paige close.

  Paige put her hand on Val’s chest. “Stop it. Not here.”

  “Then where?”

  “Did you drive?”

  “No, Sasha and Jen brought me,” Val said. “We’re celebrating their engagement.”

  “Oh, wow. I don’t want to interrupt…”

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll go explain.”

  “I have my car, but I’m still a little buzzed,” Paige said.

  “I only had a beer. I can drive us to my place. Is that okay?” Val suddenly looked shy and uncertain, which Paige found endearing and incredible sexy.

  “I’ll have to get home at some point—Connie’s babysitting Emma.”

  Val reached into her bra and pulled out her phone. “It’s only ten thirty.”

  That was one lucky electronic device. “Let me just tell Joe and Charlie that I’m leaving,” Paige said.

  “I’ll find Sasha and Jen and meet you at the door in five.”

  Paige made her way back to the guys. “I’m going to head out,” she said. “Thanks for inviting me tonight.”

  “Leaving already?” Joe said.

  “Why would she want to hang around with a couple of old men when she has a much hotter prospect?” Charlie said. He winked at Paige. “Get out of here, before you and Val set off the sprinklers.”

  Paige couldn’t stop herself from grinning. “Good night, boys. Enjoy the rest of the show.”

  She walked as quickly as she could to the entrance to find Val waiting.

  “Ready to get out of here?” Val said.

  “Absolutely.” Paige gave Val her car keys and walked ahead of her out the door. She felt Val’s touch at the small of her back and trembled at the contact. Once in the parking lot, Val took her hand. Their fingers entwined in a perfect fit, and Paige could hardly believe all that had transpired in such a short time.

  In the car, Val again grabbed Paige’s hand and placed it on her leg. Her dress had ridden halfway up her thigh, bringing Paige’s fingers in contact with her smooth, warm skin. Almost instantly, she began to caress Val’s leg, making her moan.

  Even while her body was practically combusting, a niggling red flag appeared in Paige’s mind, and her fingers stilled. “Val, what are we doing?”

  “Um, is that a trick question?”

  “Ugh, I know what we’re doing, but we haven’t had any contact in months. Shouldn’t we at least play a little catch-up?” Paige said. She knew she was right to say it, but she held her breath, waiting for Val’s reaction.

  “You’re right.” Val continued driving until she came to a safe spot to pull over. She put the car in park and turned to Paige, taking her hand. “Remember you told me to come back to you when I was ready?” Paige nodded. “I was afraid to reach out, thinking maybe you had changed your mind, moved on. But when I saw you tonight, I knew I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “I know,” Paige replied. “When I saw you with Jen and thought you were together, it hurt like hell. Nothing has changed for me, but I don’t want to mess this up. What if we rush in and later regret it? I don’t know if I could handle that. You’re too important to me.”

  Val sighed. “You’ve got me so worked up, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but would you rather go somewhere and talk?”

  “I don’t feel like being out in public, but…”

  “Tell you what. We can go to my house, and I promise I’ll sit on the other end of the couch. I’ll even take a cold shower first if that would help,” Val said, smiling.

  Paige was so grateful that Val didn’t seem angry, especially since she had just brought their libidos to a screeching halt. “Okay.”

  “Okay.” Val pulled back onto the road and drove silently to her place, leaving Paige alone with her thoughts.

  Paige shifted in the seat, her panties still very damp. Holy crap, she had never been this turned on in her life. Why couldn’t she just feel instead of overthinking it?

  Because, her voice of reason answered, you need to be sure.

  Paige looked at Val’s profile as she drove, and a wave of tenderness washed over her. This woman was worth so much more than a fling.

  As if sensing Paige looking at her, Val turned. Again, she offered a gentle smile and linked her fingers with Paige’s, then returned her attention to the road. Paige couldn’t shake the sense that something major had shifted in Val’s life, and she hoped Val would let her in and share it. Giving Val’s fingers a squeeze, she laid her head back on the seat and allowed herself a few moments to just feel their connection. Because, good God, it felt amazing.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  True to her word, Val kept her distance when she let Paige into her home. She switched on some lights and got Paige a water before excusing herself.

  “I’ve got to get out of these boots. Make yourself comfortable, and I’ll be right back.”

  Val went to her room, closed the door, and rested her forehead against it for a moment. Even after months apart, Paige had awakened things in her that she wasn’t sure she’d ever feel with a woman, and honestly, she was kind of scared. Paige wanted to slow things down, which was probably a good call. Val shed her outfit and slipped into her most comfortable yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt. She went to the bathroom, then joined Paige on the couch.

  “I figured it would be a good idea to show less skin,” she said with a grin.

  Paige laughed. “A noble gesture, but ineffective, because you pretty much rock yoga pants.”

  Val sho
ok her head. “Whatever.”

  Paige sipped her water and studied Val, tilting her head to the side. “Can I make an observation?”


  “You look…different. I don’t know if I can explain. It’s just that, last time we saw each other…”

  “I was a hot mess?” Val said. “I was, and I told you I had a lot to figure out. I’ve been working with my therapist weekly, and I’ve had some pretty major breakthroughs.”

  Paige flashed her warm smile. “That’s fantastic, Val. You’re happy with your progress?”

  “Very. We’ve gotten to the bottom of my nightmares, and they’ve almost completely disappeared. It was like my mind knew I was ready to face some memories and experiences that were holding me back, and the nightmares just forced me to take that step.”

  “I guess that’s why you look different, like you’re rested, lighter somehow,” Paige said.

  “That’s how I feel. The first night that I slept straight through felt so amazing. I’d been walking around like a zombie for weeks.”

  “I’m so glad you’re doing better, Val,” Paige said, reaching over to touch her hand in her typical affectionate way.

  Val captured her hand and held it. “We’ve also been working on my trust issues. You see, I met a woman who made me realize I didn’t want to push people away anymore.”

  Paige’s smile faltered. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. She’s this gorgeous blonde with kind blue eyes and a killer smile that just melts me,” Val said, rubbing her thumb over Paige’s knuckles.

  “It does?”

  Val watched the flush climb Paige’s cheeks, and she moved closer. “Yep, and you know what else?”


  “She kisses like a freaking goddess.”

  Paige let out a tiny whimper as Val closed the distance between them. She gently traced a finger along Paige’s jaw, then lightly grazed her bottom lip. “I know you wanted to slow down and just talk, but my God, Paige, you make it hard.”

  Paige closed her eyes as Val caressed her cheek. When she opened them, she took a deep breath and stopped Val’s hand with hers. “I don’t want a little fling, Val. If that’s what this is…”

  Val felt a stab of self-doubt—was she at all capable of a relationship? Paige was unlike any of the women she’d been with before. As she gazed into Paige’s eyes, she understood that if there was ever a time to take a chance, this was it. “Paige, you deserve much more than that, and I’m starting to believe that I do, too. I can’t promise you I’ll be any good at this, but you make me want to try.”

  Paige’s eyes filled with tears. “No one has ever made me feel as wanted as you just did.” Her tears spilled as she held both of Val’s hands in hers. “I’ve only had one serious relationship, you know. I spent a lot of my time trying to be who she wanted me to be, but I never quite measured up. She was just a repeat of my parents, actually. That was nine years ago. Since then, I’ve found happiness with Emma and my work, but I’ve stayed away from dating. It was just easier than always feeling like I wasn’t good enough. Now here you are, beautiful, incredible you, and I’m scared.”

  “I get being scared. If I could, I’d find your ex, and your parents, and smack them upside the head for not seeing what a wonderful person you are.”

  Paige giggled. “I’m just picturing how awesome it would be to watch you mess up my mother’s perfect hair. They are all such judgmental people—I can’t imagine any of them are truly happy, you know? When I told my parents I wanted to be a social worker, they were horrified, like I’d said I was going to be a serial killer. Apparently social work is well below someone of my family’s social standing. They never understood that their lifestyle was suffocating me.”

  “Do you ever see your parents?”

  “Not anymore. For the first couple of years after I left New York City, I would drive down for holidays. I felt like I had to because they were my family. But when they barely acknowledged Emma, I was done. I couldn’t let them suck the soul out of me anymore.”

  “I get it. Some people are so caught up in the idea that biological family relationships matter more than anything, but you know what? Those relationships are no different than any others—if they’re toxic, a person shouldn’t feel guilty for letting them go.”

  “Exactly.” Paige reached up to brush Val’s hair back. “You don’t have to answer this, but do you ever want a family of your own?”

  Val was silent for several moments, which Paige had learned meant she was processing the question. “I never thought so. Family equaled pain for much of my life, but I know that as an adult I have control over who I allow into my life. When you’re a kid, everything happens to you, and you can’t do much about it. As an adult, I can finally choose not to let the past continue to victimize me.” Val shook her head and laughed. “I just channeled Susan, my therapist.”

  “Sounds like she’s a smart woman.”

  “She really is. I think I wasn’t ready to learn what she had to teach me until now. The kids—and you—unlocked something inside me.” Val’s eyes grew moist. “So to answer your question, I think I would like to build a family, the kind that really matters.”

  Paige pulled Val into a hug, rejoicing at how far they’d come in just one night. They simply held each other, drawing comfort and strength, two hearts finding their way to one another. After a while, Paige reluctantly pulled away.



  “I hate to say it, but I have to go.”

  Val glanced at the clock on her cable box. “Damn. It’s almost midnight.”

  “Yeah, and I can’t impose on Connie to stay with Emma any later. Please know that I really don’t want to go.”

  “I know. This has been an amazing night, Paige. Never in a million years did I think it would turn out like this.”

  Paige dropped her gaze, her feelings of vulnerability warring with her happiness. “We’re on the same page here, aren’t we?”

  Val tipped up Paige’s chin with her finger. “If the page says that we want to see where this road takes us, then yeah.”

  Paige smiled and gently touched her lips to Val’s for a long, sweet kiss. “Thank you,” she whispered, “for letting me in.”

  “Thank you for making me feel safe. This talking about myself stuff is new territory, but it’s helping.”

  “I’m glad.” Paige sighed. “I have to go.”

  “I know.” Val placed a gentle kiss on Paige’s forehead. “Good night, Paige. We’ll talk tomorrow?”

  Paige nodded. “I’ll look forward to it. Good night.” She pulled away and put on her coat.

  “Drive safe, okay?”

  “I will.”

  As she drove home, the evening’s events went through Paige’s mind like a film loop, and she felt an odd combination of exhilaration and fear. Staying single had been safe, but her feelings for Val were way too strong to ignore. She’d just have to take it one day at a time.

  Chapter Thirty

  “I have no fucking idea how to date,” Val moaned into her phone. Sasha laughed on the other end.

  “It isn’t rocket science, chica. You just hang out, do stuff together.”

  “You are the only person I’ve ever hung out with like that, Sash. I’m so used to being alone. What if it turns out that I’m lousy company, or boring?” The fact that she even cared was starting to freak her out.

  “You’re not boring. Just be you. I’m pretty sure Paige likes you just the way you are.”

  “I guess. I really am sorry I ditched you guys last night,” Val said.

  “Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for you to have a good reason to ditch me. I like Paige. She seems like good people.”

  “She really is. So why am I so scared? Did you feel like this when you met Jen?” Val said.

  “Oh my God, you have no idea. You’re scared because she matters, Val. Take the risk.”

  Val felt warm all over as she thought of Paige’s b
eautiful smile and their incredible kisses. “Yeah, I think I will.”

  * * *

  Paige sat in front of Connie’s desk, sipping her mug of tea and waiting for her friend to return from the copy machine. When she did, she plopped into her chair and leaned forward, chin in hand, giving Paige her undivided attention.

  Paige squirmed under the scrutiny. “What?”

  “You had a good weekend,” Connie stated.

  “Yeah, I did,” Paige replied, smiling.

  “As in, a much better than average weekend.”

  Paige still hadn’t gotten used to being read so easily by her freakishly intuitive friend, and she felt herself blush. “You could say that.”

  “Well, I just did,” Connie said with a smile. “I’m getting a good vibe from you.”

  “I reconnected with Val Saturday night.”

  “Aha! I knew that look you had when you got home wasn’t just from hanging out with Joe and Charlie. So this reconnection—it was positive?”

  Paige nodded. “We’ve decided to start seeing each other.” She had no idea why her cheeks caught on fire with that admission.

  Connie grinned. “That’s great, right?”

  “Yeah, but if I’m honest, it’s also scary. I mean, I feel like a clueless kid here.” Paige fiddled with the handle of her mug.

  “Why is that?”

  “I have a pretty limited history when it comes to relationships. My last one was years ago, and it made me kind of gun-shy.”

  “Every relationship has its purpose. Did you learn anything from it?” Connie said.

  Paige nodded. “I guess I learned a lot about how I didn’t want to be treated,” she said wryly.

  “A valuable lesson, then. And this new thing with Val—does it feel like the last one?”

  “Not a bit,” Paige said, unable to hold back a smile. “It’s like the complete opposite.”