Taking Chances Read online

Page 21

  “Go for a walk?” Val’s voice was getting a little breathless, and Paige grinned.

  “Maybe later.” She cupped Val’s breasts, massaging her nipples through the fabric of her bra.

  “Perhaps,” Val said, moaning, “you’d like to have wild, passionate sex?”

  “Bingo.” Paige pushed Val’s shirt off her shoulders, trapping her arms, and moved in for a fiery kiss. Five minutes later, they both stood naked in Val’s room.

  “You smell so good,” Val whispered as she buried her face in Paige’s hair from behind.

  She wrapped her arms around Paige and pulled her back against her body. Paige moaned at the exquisite contact of Val’s nipples on her back, her heat pressed against her ass. Val’s soft lips caressed her neck, and when she cupped her breasts and squeezed, Paige nearly came.

  “I can’t believe what you do to me,” Paige said, taking Val’s hand and pressing it to her center. She turned her head to capture Val’s lips, and they kissed deeply as Val stroked her. Too soon, the orgasm rolled over her, sweet and slow, and Paige’s trembling legs nearly gave out.

  Val’s strong arms held her close. “Lie down,” she said softly.

  Paige lay back on the bed, and Val lowered herself, hips to hips, breasts to breasts. The sensation of Val’s satin skin on her body was intoxicating, and Paige let her hands roam. She stroked Val’s back as they kissed, and when she grasped her hips, Val began to thrust against her. Paige slipped her hand between their bodies and gasped when she felt the intensity of Val’s silky heat. Eyes closed, lips parted, Val moved against Paige’s hand, moaning softly. It was the most beautiful image Paige had ever seen.

  Val threw her head back and cried out when Paige entered her. Thrusting faster, she rode Paige’s hand to an explosive orgasm. Paige stayed inside, feeling Val’s body clench around her fingers over and over. Val collapsed onto Paige’s chest, her thick hair blanketing her skin, and whimpered as Paige withdrew her hand.

  “Wow,” Val said, her voice husky.

  “You’re breathtaking,” Paige said, sweeping Val’s hair back and kissing her forehead.

  “Can I tell you something?”

  “Of course,” Paige said.

  “My whole life, people have made comments about how I look, saying I’m hot or whatever. I always hated that, because I felt like an object. They never looked past the outside to see me.” Val brought her hand to Paige’s cheek, caressing gently. “With you, I actually feel beautiful, for the first time in my life.”

  Paige couldn’t speak. She held Val close and they both cried, finally releasing some of the pain and insecurity they’d carried for years.

  * * *

  Three weeks later, Paige was still on cloud nine. Things between her and Val were amazing, and she’d never been happier. She was walking down the corridor, humming to herself, when someone called her name. Connie caught up to her.

  “Hey, Paige, come talk with me for a minute?”

  “Sure,” Paige said, curious. She followed Connie to her desk and sat down. “What’s up?”

  “So, how are things going with Val?”

  Paige smiled. “Really good.”

  “And you’re serious about developing this relationship?” Connie pressed.

  “Well, yeah. Why? Did Val say something?” Paige’s heart skipped a beat.

  “No, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to check to see if my intuition was right about you two.”

  “We’re in a good place. I’m a little curious about why you’re asking, though,” Paige said.

  “Well, it’s like this. I received a call this morning from Sheryl Watkins.”

  “Really? Huh. She usually calls me,” Paige said.

  “She said that you had been very helpful and kind, but she felt like her news would disappoint you, so she called me instead,” Connie explained. “Her husband’s company is downsizing, and he has to move to Indiana or he’ll lose his job. They’ve decided to go, but they do not want to bring the foster children with them.”

  Paige was stunned. “The kids were having trouble adjusting, but I didn’t expect this. Wow.”

  “Mrs. Watkins asked if they could go back to Valerie. We will need to ask her if she is willing to take the children, although I’m fairly certain of the answer. Typically, in a situation like this, the case would also transfer back to the original worker.”

  “I see.” A flurry of emotions took up residence in Paige’s stomach. What would this mean?

  “So you see why I needed to officially ask about your relationship,” Connie said. “Since there is now a conflict of interest, our supervisor needs to know. I’ll ask Sandra to assign the case to someone else.”

  The only people at work who knew Paige was a lesbian were Connie and Joe. Guess that was about to change. She looked at Connie. “That pretty much outs me to the boss, then, doesn’t it?”

  “You don’t need to worry about that, kiddo. Sandra is as open-minded as they come,” Connie replied.

  Paige breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem,” Connie said, smiling. “Now, I’m guessing you’d like to let Val know of this new development.” She winked, and Paige just looked at her as the news finally sank in. Then she grinned.

  “Yes, ma’am, I will.”

  * * *

  “Hey, hon. How’s your day going?” Paige said.

  Val smiled. She loved that Paige called on occasion just to say hi. “Hey, yourself. My day just got better.”

  “Sweet talker. Listen, could you come over for dinner tonight? I’ve got some news.”

  “Sure. Is everything okay?”

  “I think it will be,” Paige replied. “I’ve got to go. See you at six?”

  “I’ll be there. Can I bring anything?”

  “Just you.”

  She pulled into Paige’s driveway a little before six, her curiosity piqued. Why hadn’t Paige just told her over the phone? She tried to tamp down her tendency to catastrophize. News didn’t have to be bad, she reminded herself, and Paige hadn’t sounded upset. She shook her head at her own impatience and headed to the door.

  Paige opened it with a smile, and Val stepped into her arms. Paige didn’t mess around when she gave hugs, and Val instantly felt good all over.

  “Hi,” Paige said, giving Val a kiss on the neck before releasing her. “Thanks for coming over on such short notice.”

  “It’s not like I had to fit you into my vast calendar of social engagements or anything.”

  “Thank goodness. Dinner’s about ready.”

  “What’s your news?”

  “We’ll talk after dinner. Emma, come and eat.”

  Emma walked slowly into the room, her nose in a book.

  “Hey, kiddo,” Val said. “Whatcha reading?”

  Emma looked up and smiled. “Hey, Miss Val. It’s A Wrinkle in Time. I got it at the book fair at school.”

  “That was one of my favorites when I was a kid.”

  “Really?” Emma said.

  “Yep. I love books about smart, brave girls.”

  “Me, too. Mommy, what’s for dinner?”

  “Why don’t you two come sit down and see?” Paige replied.

  * * *

  After dinner they cleaned up the dishes, and Paige still hadn’t said anything about her news. Val couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “So…what’s your news?”

  “Let me finish washing the dishes, and then I’ll tell you,” Paige replied.

  “You know you’re killing me here, right? Patience is not my forte. What if I guess? Will you tell me then?”

  Paige laughed. “Guess away.”

  “You’re pregnant.”

  Paige snorted. “Yeah, right.”

  “You won the lottery?”

  “I wish, but no.”

  “You want to move to Montana and live off grid in a yurt,” Val said.

  “You have a very vivid imagination, Val.”

  “Yes, I know.”
  Paige rinsed the last dish and set it in the drainer. “Okay, you big baby, come on.” She went to the living room and sat on the couch, patting the cushion beside her.

  Val sat down, her chest fluttering with anticipation.

  “Connie sat me down for a chat today.”

  “Okay. What about?”

  “She wanted to know, officially, if you and I are serious,” Paige said.

  “I don’t get it,” Val said. “She knows we’re together.” Her eyes suddenly widened. “What did you tell her?”

  Paige laughed. “I said yes, we are happily pursuing a serious relationship. The thing is, she received a phone call that made her have to ask me in the first place. Turns out I have a conflict of interest with a case coming in, and she needed to let my boss know that we’re together.”

  “Your boss. Will that make trouble for you?”

  “Connie assured me it wouldn’t, but there’s more.”

  Val’s leg started bouncing as her anxiety kicked in. “I’m not sure I want to hear this.”

  She stilled under the gentle pressure of Paige’s hand. “I think you do. Sheryl Watkins and her husband are moving to Indiana for his job. They don’t want to take Lily and Ian.”

  Val felt like she couldn’t breathe. “What?”

  “They’re coming back, Val, and we’d like them to be with you.”

  Val’s emotions spun like a pinwheel in a stiff breeze. “With me?”

  “Honey, do you want them to be with you?” Paige asked.

  “Yes! I mean, of course I do, but what happens next? What if someone else steps up and wants to take them again?” The idea of losing them twice made Val sick.

  “Here’s the thing—I already went through everyone related to the kids, and no one else came forward. The county is going to seek termination of parental rights, so if the judge agrees, the kids would be available for adoption,” Paige said, squeezing Val’s knee.

  “Oh my God. You mean that they could stay with me…permanently?”

  “It’s a very good possibility.” Paige was smiling broadly now, and Val’s heart soared.

  “But what about you? Your boss knows we’re together.”

  “Yes, so she gave the case to Joe. No more conflict of interest,” Paige said, wrapping her arm around Val’s shoulder.

  “This is incredible.” Val’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m afraid to really believe it.”

  “Believe it, babe. Good things really do happen.” Paige turned and looped her arms around Val’s neck, her own eyes moist. “And I can’t think of a better person for them to happen to.”

  Val was too choked up to speak. She pulled Paige into her arms and held her close, letting her tears of happiness flow. After a few moments, a thought occurred to her, and she pulled back suddenly.

  “When can they come home?”

  “Whenever you’re ready,” Paige replied, caressing her cheek.

  “How about tomorrow?”

  Chapter Thirty-five

  They’d decided to let Lily and Ian finish the school week and come back on Saturday, and the day was finally here. Val was so excited she had barely slept the night before. She’d spent the last couple of days preparing for the kids’ return—getting their room ready, stocking up on their favorite foods, and reenrolling them in school. Paige was going to drop Emma off in a little while, then accompany Joe when he picked up the kids.

  Val’s emotions had been on a roller-coaster ride since Paige told her the news. She was hoping that she would be able to adopt Lily and Ian, but nothing was certain yet. Connie had stopped by on Thursday to check in, and Val told her about her nagging worry that something might go wrong. Connie reminded her that she was the main constant in the children’s lives since they’d entered the system, and by summer she would have had them for the better part of a year. If anyone else came forward after the year mark, she would have rights to custody.

  Yesterday, she and Susan spent the whole session talking about those damned what-ifs that kept popping into her head. So far today, she was doing a much better job keeping her anxiety in check. Sometimes, when she thought of everything that had happened in her life since last summer, it was a little overwhelming, but she now knew she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  Val heard a car in the driveway and went to the door. Emma came running up to her, surprising her with a big hug.

  “This is the best day ever,” she exclaimed, bouncing up and down. “Aren’t you excited, Miss Val?”

  “Yep, I’m very excited,” Val said, exchanging a warm look with Paige over Emma’s head. “Morning,” she said, and Paige’s answering smile settled over her like a soft blanket, soothing her nerves.

  “Did you sleep?” Paige asked.

  “Not much,” Val replied. “I just couldn’t shut off my head.”

  “I figured as much. Put Emma in front of the TV, and maybe you can catch a quick nap.”

  “I can try.”

  “Emma brought some things to occupy herself, right, Em?”

  “Yeah. I’m gonna make Lily and Ian a welcome home poster,” Emma replied.

  “Great idea, kiddo. Why don’t you go to the kitchen table and get started?” Val replied. When Emma was out of sight, Val pulled Paige into a tight hug. “I think I’m going to burst. I feel like dancing, singing, and throwing up all at once.”

  Paige laughed. “I’m so happy for you guys. I couldn’t have imagined a better outcome.”

  Val tipped up Paige’s chin and kissed her softly. “I don’t know how I would’ve managed without you through all of this.”

  “You would’ve done just fine, but I am very happy to be a part of it.” Paige kissed Val more thoroughly, then reluctantly pulled away. “As much as I’d like to stand here and kiss you all day, I’ve got to go meet Joe. We’ve got some kids to pick up.”

  “Go on, then. When do you think you’ll be back?”

  “It’s about three hours round-trip, and we’ll probably need to stop along the way. I’m thinking by two?” Paige replied.

  “Can’t wait. Tell Joe to drive safely, okay? He’s going to be transporting some very precious cargo.”

  Paige smiled. “Will do. Emma,” she called, “you behave for Miss Valerie, okay? Be back soon.”

  Emma came out of the kitchen. “Okay, Mommy. Bye.”

  After Paige left, Val turned to Emma. “Want some help with your poster?”

  “Yeah, sure! Come on, I’ll show you all the stuff I brought.”

  Seeing that there were glitter and glue involved, Val covered the table with newspaper, and the two of them got busy. Val was coloring in some block letters when Emma abruptly spoke.

  “I know you and Mommy are girlfriends.”

  Val tried to hide her shock. “You do?”

  “Yeah. I asked Mommy because I saw you kissing. It’s okay, though. Mommy really likes you, and so do I,” Emma said.

  Val’s heart melted, even as her cheeks flamed. “Aw, thanks, Emma. I really like both of you, too.”

  Emma smiled. “Good.” They continued their project while she chattered on about school and why she thought the book version of A Wrinkle in Time was better than the movie. Soon they had two colorful, sparkly posters, one for Lily and one for Ian.

  “Do you think they’ll like them?” Emma asked as they cleaned up.

  “I know so,” Val replied. “Are you hungry?”

  They had some lunch, then watched a movie. Emma was a great kid to hang out with, and Val was enjoying herself. Her relationship with Paige wasn’t mentioned again, but Val was relieved that Emma seemed fine with it.

  By one thirty, Val was getting antsy. Paige had texted an hour ago when they’d gotten back on the Thruway. They should be here any minute now. Emma was engrossed in her book, oblivious of the time or that Val kept checking out the front window.

  Finally, Val heard a car. “Emma, I think they’re here.”

  Emma let out a squeal, and they both rushed to the door. Val made it out
onto the front step just in time to be tackled by Lily, who was crying hysterically. Val held her and rubbed her back, her own tears flowing unchecked.

  Ian ran up the stairs next and threw his arms around Val’s waist. “Mama, I missed you,” he said, and buried his face in her side. When Lily realized Emma was there, she let go of Val and bear hugged her best friend, both of them laughing and crying at the same time.

  Val looked up to see Paige and Joe standing at the bottom of the porch steps, holding the kids’ bags and grinning from ear to ear. This ranked right up there among the happiest moments of her life.

  * * *

  Two hours later, the kids were all playing in their bedroom. Val demanded a play-by-play of the events of the day.

  “When we got to the house, Lily and Ian practically ran to the car. I had to make them go back and thank Sheryl for taking care of them,” Paige said.

  “Oh no. How did Sheryl react to that?”

  “She looked just as relieved as they did that they were leaving.”

  “Do you think she treated them okay?” Val asked.

  “Yes, but she and her husband are in their fifties. They didn’t really spend time or play with the kids, and I think Lily’s refusal to accept things made it tough for them to bond,” Paige said.

  “Hopefully everyone will be happier now,” Val said. “Right now, I feel like life is pretty damn close to perfect.”

  Paige took Val’s face in her hands. “You glow when you’re happy. It’s a pretty awesome sight, I must say.” She kissed her then, a slow, sweet kiss full of promise.

  Val moaned. “You should win an award for kissing.” Then she grinned, remembering. “Guess what Emma told me earlier?”

  “God only knows with that kid. What?”

  “She said she knew we were girlfriends, then proceeded to give her blessing. She said that you really liked me and so did she.”

  Paige jaw dropped. “Shut up. She just asked me this morning. Remember that night she walked in on us on the couch? She saw more than we thought, and she’s apparently been putting two and two together. What did you say?”

  “I told her that the feelings were mutual.”